Being Prepared – Honoring Your Loved Ones
Atlantic Coast Life Insurance Company has been serving families like yours since 1925. Not only do we provide a wide range of services that best fit your situation in life, but our customer service has made us one of the most trusted providers in the Southeast.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a financial contract that has been a trusted source for millions of Americans because it is an instantaneous financial solution to future financial needs.

Pre-planning a Funeral

People generally don’t like to think about funerals, and it is usually the last financial affair in line to be planned among a will, wedding, anniversary or preparing for a child’s education. All require forethought – but pre-planning for a funeral can be uncomfortable. In fact, neglecting this decision simply leaves it to someone who may not know your true wishes and for one who must make difficult decisions at a most inopportune time. Who knows better than you what needs to be done, what needs to be said, and who to say and do it?

As Easy As Making One Simple Contact
Pre-planning is best done with the help of a funeral professional. Through a confidential interview, your funeral professional will guide you through the choices and decisions that are best for you – from gathering important information to making arrangements according to your desires.
It’s a simple process. Nearly every funeral home has a prearrangement counselor on staff waiting to help you.

Pre-funding a Funeral

Pre-funding a funeral is setting aside money today so that the money will be there when you need it. It is especially important since funeral expenses, like everything else, increase over time. But if you have pre-funded, many funeral homes will actually lock in today’s prices on many of the services you select. That way, your family may have little or no additional expense when the time comes to carry out the prearranged funeral services alleviating worry or financial stress during a difficult time.